The anagram label of the band Moriarty, founded in October 2010




Air Rytmo is the anagram label of the band Moriarty,
founded in October 2010.

Air Rytmo manages Moriarty’s phonographic productions, as well as its editorial rights, and has the mission to develop and accompany their diverse productions and artistic activities (solo projects, comic books, book-discs, plays, cine-mixes, etc.), in the manner of an artist company.

The management of the company was entrusted by the group to Sébastien Zamora (founder of Zamora Productions and manager of Moriarty), who was met in 2005 as part of the Paris Jeunes Talents support program Moriarty won that year.

Numerous projects were born under the supervision of this structure, whether it be the albums of the group Moriarty or other related projects.

The anagram label of the band Moriarty, founded in October 2010