Air Rytmo The anagram label of the band Moriarty, founded in October 2010 Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:52:56 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Rytmo 32 32 194500281 ‘Southern Wave’ by Mick Strauss: Release party on October 7th Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:43:12 +0000 Party! To celebrate 'Southern Wave' by Mick Strauss vinyle edition release, join us on October 7th at Metaxu Peniche (Metro 5 - Église de Pantin).

The post ‘Southern Wave’ by Mick Strauss: Release party on October 7th first appeared on Air Rytmo.

Release Party! To celebrate ‘Southern Wave’ by Mick Strauss vinyle editionrelease, join us on October 7th at Metaxu Peniche (Metro 5 – Église de Pantin).

Release Party of ‘Southern Wave’ by Mick Strauss @ Metaxu Peniche
October 7th 2021 at 8.30pm
Place de la Pointe
93500 Pantin
Metro Ligne 5 – Église de Pantin / Sortie 1 Avenue Jean Lolive

Book your Tickets:

The vinyle edition will be available in every good record stores and in our Eshop starting October 8th.

Shop Website Facebook Event

The post ‘Southern Wave’ by Mick Strauss: Release party on October 7th first appeared on Air Rytmo.

Southern Wave, the first album of Moriarty’s cousin Mick Strauss, is out! Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:00:00 +0000 Wave, the first album of Moriarty's cousin Mick Strauss, is released.

The post Southern Wave, the first album of Moriarty’s cousin Mick Strauss, is out! first appeared on Air Rytmo.

Mick Strauss cover Mick Strauss

MICK STRAUSS – southern wave

There’s many a tale to be found out on the open road, something Mick Strauss knows only too well.
An itinerant soul, over his 30-odd years Strauss has always wandered far and wide, his curiosity piqued by people and their cultures. And it was one such trip, undertaken in 2019, that shaped the sound and stories of his debut album Southern Wave – six months journeying through the heart of the United States, his adopted homeland, from Duluth down through Missouri to the Louisiana coast.


The post Southern Wave, the first album of Moriarty’s cousin Mick Strauss, is out! first appeared on Air Rytmo.
